How long does an oil change last?
When oil gets unclean, it causes problems! You may be wondering how long does oil change last? It largely depends on the make, model and age of vehicle and what kind of oil that you usually use it. Check your owner’s manual. Usually, the best practice of changing the oil once every 3 months or at least once every 3000 miles.
Read MoreHow Often Do You Get Your Car Serviced?
Obviously, you should choose the appropriate car service intervals that will depend on the make and model as well as the age of your vehicle. Check your owner’s manual. Generally, it is recommended in your owner’s manual to have your car serviced done at every 6 months (twice a year).
Read MoreHow to Know If Car Battery Needs to be Replaced?
if you are the driver and you don’t know when your car battery needs to be replaced. Then you must Ask your trusted mechanic about the various signs of needed car battery replacement, also you may ask about when is it time for a new battery for your vehicle.
Read moreHow Long Do Alternators Last?
The Answer is as simple as Most auto mechanics will give you a ballpark of between 40,000 and 100,000 miles. It actually all depends on the type of vehicle you're driving. The car may drive for a while with a bad alternator but understand that the alternator is more responsible for charging the battery and keeping all electrical components in your vehicle operational.
Read MoreHow Much Does Transmission Repair Cost?
it is always wise to get a routine transmission service which is good for both your car and your budget. Be sure to check your owner’s manual for the right service interval. Usually, The average cost of transmission repair or replacement must vary from the various auto shop which ranges from $1500 to $3000.
Read MoreHow Many Miles Can An Engine Last?
As per the auto mechanic’s recommendation, the average of all cars on the road is more than 11 years and the average car is driven about 15,000 miles per year. If you have neglected following your vehicle’s maintenance schedule, it’s not too late. You should have your vehicle’s engine inspected by auto technicians as early as possible and take care of noticeable problems, no matter how it is minor.
Read MoreHow To Tell If Your Car Struts And Shocks Are Bad?
Car struts and shocks wear slowly so it can be too difficult to be certain when they are wearing out. There is not fixed time specified in owner’s manual for replacing struts and shocks. However, there are assured you can look for to conclude if your car struts and shocks are going bad.
Read MoreHow Many Miles Are Tires Good For?
As a general rule of thumb, Most of the tires should last for about 50,000 miles of the driving vehicle that come up with a new vehicle, but the life of tires depends on many factors, as tires are a critical component of your vehicle. Having your tires serviced regularly can make a huge difference in your safety.
Read MoreHow Many Miles Should Brakes Last?
It is impossible to determine an exact time frame for when you will be required brakes maintenance. Most of the brakes will last up to 70,000 miles or more. Some vehicle owners required brake service after only going 25,000 miles. It largely depends on the make and model of your vehicle.
Read MoreWhat Does it Mean to Winterize a Car?
Winter driving conditions can be dangerous due to many factors such as snow and ice on the road. If you are heading across the country on a road trip, it is recommended that you winterize your car before winter season to make sure your car can handle the winter harsh road conditions. Ask your mechanic to know what does it mean to winterize a car so that you can avoid urgent repair.
Read MoreWhy is Car Service Important?
If you drive a lot of miles in your car on a regular basis, it is important to have a car service at least 6 months, and with some vehicles, some manufacturers suggest more regular inspection. By keeping routine car repair schedule will help you to maintain your car and prevent unexpected problems and costly repair in the future.
Read MoreWhat To Ask For When Getting Your Car Serviced?
Check it out some useful tips that will help you to know what and why should ask your mechanic about auto repair services when you have decided to visit your preferred auto repair shop.
What are the Signs of a Transmission Going Bad?
However, if you think you are starting to notice any signs of your transmission going bad such as shifting problems, worn out parts, transmission warning light, and major transmission failure. Thus, a careful vehicle owner will ensure to have frequent transmission service every 60k to 100k miles, as suggested by the vehicle manufacturer.
Read MoreHow long does an Oil Change take?
Hopefully, car tune up service is necessary for your vehicle to last a long because it includes typical service such as regular oil and filter changes, tire rotation. It also includes any replacement of spark plugs and wires if required. By following regular tune-up service intervals helps to maintain your vehicle’s performance.
Read MoreHow to Prepare Your Car for Summer?
If you’re planning for the summer trip, you may need to take care of these things that will help you to keep safe while summer trips such as air conditioning, oil, engine performance, lights, tires, brakes, battery, and any other emergencies.
Read MoreHow to Improve Braking Performance?
Braking performance is very crucial for any vehicle. Every vehicle owner is wondering how to improve braking performance. But if they know the main causes of brake failure such as loss air pressure, power brake booster etc that will help them to know how to take care of brakes and improve the braking performance.
Read MoreDo you have a warranty?
12000 miles or 12 months.