Engine Service: Staying Cool This Summer?
Gearing up for that long-awaited-for summer road trip? To start off right, make sure you have kept your vehicle maintenance up-to-date, including a quality engine service. Hot weather makes existing problems worse so prevent a major engine repair down the road! Don't get stranded in a strange town during your summer vacation looking for an auto shop to perform an emergency engine repair!
One major item to inspect is your car's cooling system. Cooling system failure is a leading cause of vehicle breakdowns. The easiest way to make sure your summer plans stay on course is to pay attention to your vehicle's cooling system now. You'll avoid a lot of aggravation, and possibly an unnecessarily expensive engine repair.
Cooling System Maintenance Tips --
If the cooling system doesn't receive regular maintenance, it's not a question of whether it will fail, but rather when it will fail. Here's what you should be talking about with your technician when it comes to maintaining your cooling system:
- Coolant – Have it changed regularly according to the recommended replacement interval in your owner's manual. Otherwise, it can lose its effectiveness to prevent corrosion in the cooling system and also its freeze-protection abilities. The level also needs to be checked periodically. If you run out of coolant, your engine will overheat.
- Radiator – It can corrode internally if coolant, with its corrosion inhibitors, isn't changed regularly. It can then become plugged, preventing the effective circulation of coolant. Have the radiator (and cooling system) flushed periodically to remove any debris. Also have the radiator examined for any external obstructions, such as paper, leaves, bugs or other road debris that are stuck to it and blocking air flow.
- Belts & Hoses – Because they are made of rubber, they will wear and degrade over time with normal use. They should be replaced approximately every four years or based on your manufacturer's recommendation. Inspect them for cracks in the belt or soft or bulging spots in the hoses. If they fail, your cooling system stops working.
- Water pump – On many vehicles, the water pump is driven by the timing belt. Since a timing belt needs to be changed at certain intervals, it is smart to replace the water pump at the same time. If your water pump fails, the engine can overheat.
- Radiator cap – Make sure it is screwed on tightly and does not leak. Your technician can pressure test the radiator cap to ensure it is functioning properly at the same time a pressure test is performed on the entire cooling system.
Be on the lookout for any other signs of cooling system problems, like the vehicle temperature gauge rising near the danger zone, coolant leaks, steam or hissing sounds under the hood or the distinct smell of coolant or an engine that's running hot. Knowing and performing the proper engine service and maintenance can prevent cooling system and engine failure.
Looking for quality engine repair? Contact our ASE certified technicians at Rebel Automotive or go online to https://www.rebel-auto.com for more information. We will be pleased to take care of your vehicle and provide you with honest and professional engine service. Our auto repair shop serves vehicle owners in Henderson, NV, Las Vegas, NV, and North Las Vegas, NV.
Avoid unnecessary expensive Engine Repair on the road. Make sure you have kept your vehicle maintenance up-to-date, including a quality engine service.Gearing up for that long-awaited-for summer road trip? To start off right, make sure you have kept your vehicle maintenance up-to-date, including a quality engine service. Hot weather makes existing problems worse so prevent a major engine repair down the road! Don't get stranded in a strange town during your summer vacation looking for an auto shop to perform an emergency engine repair!
One major item to inspect is your car's cooling system. Cooling system failure is a leading cause of vehicle breakdowns. The easiest way to make sure your summer plans stay on course is to pay attention to your vehicle's cooling system now. You'll avoid a lot of aggravation, and possibly an unnecessarily expensive engine repair.
Cooling System Maintenance Tips --
If the cooling system doesn't receive regular maintenance, it's not a question of whether it will fail, but rather when it will fail. Here's what you should be talking about with your technician when it comes to maintaining your cooling system:
- Coolant – Have it changed regularly according to the recommended replacement interval in your owner's manual. Otherwise, it can lose its effectiveness to prevent corrosion in the cooling system and also its freeze-protection abilities. The level also needs to be checked periodically. If you run out of coolant, your engine will overheat.
- Radiator – It can corrode internally if coolant, with its corrosion inhibitors, isn't changed regularly. It can then become plugged, preventing the effective circulation of coolant. Have the radiator (and cooling system) flushed periodically to remove any debris. Also have the radiator examined for any external obstructions, such as paper, leaves, bugs or other road debris that are stuck to it and blocking air flow.
- Belts & Hoses – Because they are made of rubber, they will wear and degrade over time with normal use. They should be replaced approximately every four years or based on your manufacturer's recommendation. Inspect them for cracks in the belt or soft or bulging spots in the hoses. If they fail, your cooling system stops working.
- Water pump – On many vehicles, the water pump is driven by the timing belt. Since a timing belt needs to be changed at certain intervals, it is smart to replace the water pump at the same time. If your water pump fails, the engine can overheat.
- Radiator cap – Make sure it is screwed on tightly and does not leak. Your technician can pressure test the radiator cap to ensure it is functioning properly at the same time a pressure test is performed on the entire cooling system.
Be on the lookout for any other signs of cooling system problems, like the vehicle temperature gauge rising near the danger zone, coolant leaks, steam or hissing sounds under the hood or the distinct smell of coolant or an engine that's running hot. Knowing and performing the proper engine service and maintenance can prevent cooling system and engine failure.
Looking for quality engine repair? Contact our ASE certified technicians at Rebel Automotive or go online to https://www.rebel-auto.com for more information. We will be pleased to take care of your vehicle and provide you with honest and professional engine service. Our auto repair shop serves vehicle owners in Henderson, NV, Las Vegas, NV, and North Las Vegas, NV.