Oil Changes: What kind of oil should I use?
To keep the moving parts of your engine lubricated and moving smoothly, it's important to schedule regular oil changes. Adhering to the scheduled oil change intervals will help to prevent excessive engine wear and tear and will keep your vehicle functioning efficiently.
Basic facts to know before your next oil change:
- Viscosity: Viscosity is an important factor in determining which type of oil is right for your vehicle. Most vehicles can use "multi-viscosity" which has passed the Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE) specifications--thinner at lower temperatures, and thicker at higher temperatures. To determine the appropriate type for your next oil change, consider the range of temperatures in which you drive your vehicle.
- Grades: The SAE grades each type of oil according to how thin or how thick it is. If the oil is too thin, it can't lubricate the engine parts very well as it heats up. The higher the grade–-up to 70–-the higher the viscosity (or thickness) of the oil. These grade numbers are referred to as the weight, including the most common weights of 5W-30, 10W-20 and 10W-30.
Three main types of oil:
- Conventional: Organic and limited in its capabilities, and highly reactive to temperatures.
- Synthetic: Gives better engine performance, more slippery, and has fewer imperfections in its chemical buildup. Synthetic can cost up to three times as much as conventional, but the interval between oil changes can be longer.
- Synthetic blend: This is a combination of conventional and synthetic and is usually less expensive. This blend typically provides the same performance enhancement as a synthetic.
If you still have questions when it's time for an oil change, it's best to follow your vehicle's manufacturer's recommendations. Or, consult your local auto mechanic--they'll know what's right for your vehicle.
Need professional advice about oil changes? Contact our ASE certified technicians today at Rebel Automotive or go online to https://www.rebel-auto.com for more information. We will be pleased to take care of your vehicle and provide you with honest and professional automotive repair and maintenance services. Our auto repair shop serves vehicle owners in Henderson, NV, Las Vegas, NV, and North Las Vegas, NV.
Oil Changes: What kind of oil should I use? To keep the moving parts of your engine moving smoothly, it's important to schedule regular oil changes.To keep the moving parts of your engine lubricated and moving smoothly, it's important to schedule regular oil changes. Adhering to the scheduled oil change intervals will help to prevent excessive engine wear and tear and will keep your vehicle functioning efficiently.
Basic facts to know before your next oil change:
- Viscosity: Viscosity is an important factor in determining which type of oil is right for your vehicle. Most vehicles can use "multi-viscosity" which has passed the Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE) specifications--thinner at lower temperatures, and thicker at higher temperatures. To determine the appropriate type for your next oil change, consider the range of temperatures in which you drive your vehicle.
- Grades: The SAE grades each type of oil according to how thin or how thick it is. If the oil is too thin, it can't lubricate the engine parts very well as it heats up. The higher the grade–-up to 70–-the higher the viscosity (or thickness) of the oil. These grade numbers are referred to as the weight, including the most common weights of 5W-30, 10W-20 and 10W-30.
Three main types of oil:
- Conventional: Organic and limited in its capabilities, and highly reactive to temperatures.
- Synthetic: Gives better engine performance, more slippery, and has fewer imperfections in its chemical buildup. Synthetic can cost up to three times as much as conventional, but the interval between oil changes can be longer.
- Synthetic blend: This is a combination of conventional and synthetic and is usually less expensive. This blend typically provides the same performance enhancement as a synthetic.
If you still have questions when it's time for an oil change, it's best to follow your vehicle's manufacturer's recommendations. Or, consult your local auto mechanic--they'll know what's right for your vehicle.
Need professional advice about oil changes? Contact our ASE certified technicians today at Rebel Automotive or go online to https://www.rebel-auto.com for more information. We will be pleased to take care of your vehicle and provide you with honest and professional automotive repair and maintenance services. Our auto repair shop serves vehicle owners in Henderson, NV, Las Vegas, NV, and North Las Vegas, NV.