Know What Happens When the Alternator Goes Bad?
If your vehicle is starting to act a little strange, such as a dash light blinking on and off, dimming headlights, an odd smell, or even a car that won’t start, it could be caused by one or more problems in the electrical system. Ask your mechanic to run an engine diagnostic to pinpoint the cause of your problems, which could be the alternator or the starter.
The fact is that the alternator is often the culprit for electrical problems. A relatively simple part, it plays a critical role in the operation of your vehicle. As the crankshaft in the engine rotates, its mechanical energy is transformed into electricity as it flows through the alternator. This electricity ignites the starter, powers the accessories (such as power windows, radio, etc.) as well as continually working to charge the battery.
So what happens when the alternator goes bad? There are several signs of a failing alternator that are fairly obvious:
- Dashboard Warning Light – This light (shaped like a battery) warns of possible problems with the alternator.
- Strange Sounds – If the pulley in the alternator has gone bad, you will hear unusual noises coming from under the hood.
- Burning Smell – Overheating of the alternator, broken wires, a bad fuse, or an overloaded circuit can create a burning smell.
- Dimming Lights – The alternator isn’t charging the car battery enough to run the lighting system.
- Dead Battery – Common during the winter months when lights are on for longer or if the lights are left on after turning the car off. A jump-start with battery cables may get your car started, but be sure to have both the battery and alternator inspected.
- Electrical Malfunctions – A broken wire can lead to problems in running the electrical components, such as power windows, door locks, and radio, just to name a few.
Worried about what happens when the alternator goes bad? Contact our ASE-certified technicians at Rebel Automotive for more information about the electrical system and to schedule an appointment. Our auto shop serves vehicle owners in Henderson, NV, Las Vegas, NV, and North Las Vegas, NV.
Worried about what happens when the alternator goes bad? Check the car starter and battery before replacing the alternator.
If your vehicle is starting to act a little strange, such as a dash light blinking on and off, dimming headlights, an odd smell, or even a car that won’t start, it could be caused by one or more problems in the electrical system. Ask your mechanic to run an engine diagnostic to pinpoint the cause of your problems, which could be the alternator or the starter.
The fact is that the alternator is often the culprit for electrical problems. A relatively simple part, it plays a critical role in the operation of your vehicle. As the crankshaft in the engine rotates, its mechanical energy is transformed into electricity as it flows through the alternator. This electricity ignites the starter, powers the accessories (such as power windows, radio, etc.) as well as continually working to charge the battery.
So what happens when the alternator goes bad? There are several signs of a failing alternator that are fairly obvious:
- Dashboard Warning Light – This light (shaped like a battery) warns of possible problems with the alternator.
- Strange Sounds – If the pulley in the alternator has gone bad, you will hear unusual noises coming from under the hood.
- Burning Smell – Overheating of the alternator, broken wires, a bad fuse, or an overloaded circuit can create a burning smell.
- Dimming Lights – The alternator isn’t charging the car battery enough to run the lighting system.
- Dead Battery – Common during the winter months when lights are on for longer or if the lights are left on after turning the car off. A jump-start with battery cables may get your car started, but be sure to have both the battery and alternator inspected.
- Electrical Malfunctions – A broken wire can lead to problems in running the electrical components, such as power windows, door locks, and radio, just to name a few.
Worried about what happens when the alternator goes bad? Contact our ASE-certified technicians at Rebel Automotive for more information about the electrical system and to schedule an appointment. Our auto shop serves vehicle owners in Henderson, NV, Las Vegas, NV, and North Las Vegas, NV.